Be a Winner! Can't Win Without Playing! Also, please make sure you've subscribed to PlugMEin YouTube channel before entering!

Please fill out the form below to enter for a chance at winning a new plugin!

Please Note: DO NOT enter your credentials before a contest begins as each name will be wiped right before the new contest begins. Also PLEASE DO NOT enter your credentials 2 or more times as you will be disqualified.

IMPORTANT: If you win, we will email you at the email you've entered below. If any of the information below does NOT match the info we have, you will forfeit your winnings and we will pull another name. Please know that we understand if you don't want to give your info for these contests and understand if you decide to opt out of the contest. We are not forcing anyone to enter these contests. Just know, you will NOT be entered unless you have subscribed to the PlugMEin YouTube channel, entered the correct info below and checked the box agreeing that the info you have provided is correct. Thanks for understanding.